Latest Articles
“Warrior” Steve Bannon Arrested as Trump’s America is Crumbling
One of the Real but ‘Polemic’ Ways How to Defeat the COVID-19
NEO: Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans
China Daily: Lai fights for right-wing forces — not democracy
NEO: Beirut Goes Up In Smoke
NEO: Our Planet Missed Opportunity to Fight side-by-side against the Pandemic!
NEO: Vietnam - Entire Country Mobilized To Save People From COVID-19
China Daily: HK and its people should never be reduced to a game
NEO: All Confusion and Contradictions n Trump’s Apocalyptic America
China Daily: Anti-racism uprisings: HK youth's lessons on the West
American Herald Tribune: U.K. And Hong Kong – Mutually Reinforced Ignorance
China Daily: Rioters stage bad-taste drama with the West to damage China
NEO: The Tremendous but ‘Secret’ Success of Socialist Vietnam
NEO: Why is China Painted as ‘Capitalist’ by Western Propaganda?
NEO: Why is this Ongoing American “Revolution” Bound to Fail?
Orinoco Tribune: Racism in Chile
NEO: Italian Thinkers are Now Resisting Lies about the Soviet Union and WWII
China Daily: How we sold Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia for plastic shopping bags
The Greanville Post: Do Not Belittle Protesters in U.S. By Calling Their Struggle A “Color Revolution”!
China Daily: Rioters in SAR will never understand what is happening in the US
NEO: It is All about Race, Awful Hypocrisy to Say it’s Not!
NEO: COVID-19 will Devastate Indonesia which is Already Collapsing
China Daily: Anti-Communism is a Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed by Billions
China Daily: US should leave China alone, focus on putting its own house in order
Veterans TodayL 'The World Can’t Breathe!’ Squashed by the US, a Country Built on Genocide and Slavery
China Daily: The national security law for SAR something that is long overdue
NEO: In the West – Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!
NEO: The Soviet Victory over Nazism 75 Years Ago, and COVID-19
21st Century Wire: The ‘Battle’ Against COVID-19 in a Fragmented World, Has Ruined Billions of Lives
NEO: Iran - Powerful and Determined
China Daily: On May Day, the opposition again acted foolishly and irresponsibly
NEO: Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs China
NEO: Why is COVID-19 Data Reported in Such a Twisted Manner?
China Daily: Why Were Pro-Western Militants Arrested in Hong Kong
China Daily: Western narratives of HK arrests show hypocrisy
China Daily: US attack against WHO will backfire
21st Century Wire: New Indonesian Capital in Borneo: From Rural Misery to Grody Dreams of Urban Glory
NEO: Peter Navarro: A Man Who Smear China without Knowing Much about It
China Daily: The opposition in HK will never accept facts
NEO: A Disgraceful Act: They Desecrated, and Removed the Statue of Marshal Konev!
China Daily: 'Chinese virus’ rhetoric shows ineptness of US politicians
American Herald Tribune: How Will the World Look Like after Covid-19?
China Daily: The West’s horrific reaction to virus: Is it what rioters wanted?
NEO: It is Not China, but the Western World that should be Defined as the “Real Sick Man”
NEO: The Uyghur Wuc Is Used by the West – to Detonate the World
China Daily Global: US attack on Chinese media a bad joke
NEO: West Attacks the World; the World Levitates towards Russia, China
China Daily HK: Backing rioters, Western media are, basically, anti-Chinese and racist
NEO: From Inside Isolated Hong Kong – Melancholy and Hope
NEO: Traffic Jams and Pollution are Destroying Capitalist Southeast Asian Cities
China Daily: Hong Kong must remain open and not succumb to Western propaganda
China Daily: Western propaganda plays up virus danger
China Daily: Saboteurs exhibit appalling callousness in times of crisis
NEO: Coronavirus – China Fights Determinately, while Others Smear!
21CenturyWire: Central Vietnam: An Enduring Legacy of How Far Washington is Willing to Go
NEO: Japan’s Collaboration with Washington – Everything Goes as Long as it is Against China
NEO: Western ‘Political Correctness’ does Not Make All People Equal
China Daily: How the murder of Iranian commander connected to HK
NEO: Iran's Hero Has Fallen, and Now the World is an Even More Dangerous Place
China Daily: A Letter to the young people of Hong Kong
China Daily: Brutalized HK police facing extremely dangerous enemies
NEO: America, Where Great Literature Kicked the Bucket
China Daily: Real police brutality is a nightmare, but not in Hong Kong
NEO: Washington’s Refined Art of Torturing China May Ignite a War
China Daily: Who gives US the right to lecture China about rights?
NEO: I Never Saw a World So Fragmented!
21stCenturyWire: Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism
21stCenturyWire: VIVA EVO! Morales Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will Endure
NEO: Abandoning Jakarta, Moving Capital to Borneo – Cynicism, Corruption, Murder
NEO: Why Russia and China Stand Together
NEO: Some in Hong Kong Feel Frustrated, as Their City is Losing to Mainland China
NEO: Joshua Wong, Juan Guaido, – New Generation of Pro-Western “Saints”
NEO: US – China “Trade” War? No Way! Only the Defeat of Turbo-Capitalism!
RT: Western media portrays Hong Kong hooligans as heroes. But are they?
NEO: China’s BRI Could Save Destroyed Southeast Asia
Western media portrays Hong Kong hooligans as heroes. But are they?
We are waiting for war’: Lebanese say Israel has gone too far
Welcome to hell: The Peruvian mining city of La Rinconada
Can President-elect Lopez Obrador Pull Mexico Out of Slumber?
Peace is a cliche: When the West cannot control the world unopposed it means war
Hotel Intercontinental siege - is Kabul falling?
Iran: Surviving another attack supported from abroad
Welcome to Sumatra, Indonesia, an environmental genocide in the making
With President Trump at helm, Japan feeling adrift at sea
Fidel's departure shook Asia to the core
Tough talking President Duterte - fighting for his life and his country
Why Brazil under President Michael Temer risks becoming 'Lebanized'
Lebanon is forced to collapse
Collapse of Iraqi Kurdistan
Refugee crisis: Brought to you by Western Imperialism
Capitalism stinks: Something is rotten in Lebanon - and it's not just the garbage
Japanese nationalism: Decoy for American imperialism?
Three years of confronting Western propaganda
Oceania: Heavy legacy of US military ambitions
Flying Indonesian airlines is like playing Russian roulette?
Eritrea still standing, still tall!
Millions of Syrian refugees scattered throughout the Middle East
Namibia segregated: Old Nazi ideology persists
Iraqi Kurdistan - wet dream for foreigners and the rich
At the ISIS frontline: Who's Who?
Pro-democracy protests in HK: But what is democracy to them?
‘What we’d done in Iraq had been fairly useless’ – ex-Reuters bureau chief in Iraq
US casting its net around Asia
Is the US ready to trigger war in Asia?
US oblivion: Obama's weird tour of Asia
Thailand down: Military coup foreboding total collapse
Uganda: Breaking the media blackout
Voices of Ukraine: 'Kiev, people are not cattle!'
Intellectuals Standing Ground on Ukrainian Issue
Thailand in danger: Watch out for yet another coup
Japan's odd pro Western 'nationalism'
Jakarta floods: Nature is fighting back
South Sudan: Uprising in a state that cannot afford independence
Chile and Indonesia: Two former dictatorships, two opposite paths
M23 gangs are returning to Rwanda from Congo
Indonesia - torn apart, but glorified by Washington
The Arab Spring is dead: Egypt's failed revolution
Imperialism destabilizing Africa
Seychelles: A successful socialist country with terrible PR
Nairobi tragedy: Carnage Foretold
New Eastern Outlook (NEO)
“Warrior” Steve Bannon Arrested as Trump’s America is Crumbling
One of the Real but ‘Polemic’ Ways How to Defeat the COVID-19
Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans
Beirut Goes Up In Smoke
Our Planet Missed Opportunity to Fight side-by-side against the Pandemic!
Vietnam - Entire Country Mobilized To Save People From COVID-19
All Confusion and Contradictions n Trump’s Apocalyptic America
The Tremendous but ‘Secret’ Success of Socialist Vietnam
Why is China Painted as ‘Capitalist’ by Western Propaganda?
Why is this Ongoing American “Revolution” Bound to Fail?
Italian Thinkers are Now Resisting Lies about the Soviet Union and WWII
It is All about Race, Awful Hypocrisy to Say it’s Not!
COVID-19 will Devastate Indonesia which is Already Collapsing
In the West – Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!
The Soviet Victory over Nazism 75 Years Ago, and COVID-19
Iran - Powerful and Determined
Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs China
Why is COVID-19 Data Reported in Such a Twisted Manner?
Peter Navarro: A Man Who Smear China without Knowing Much about It
A Disgraceful Act: They Desecrated, and Removed the Statue of Marshal Konev!
It is Not China, but the Western World that should be Defined as the “Real Sick Man”
The Uyghur Wuc Is Used by the West – to Detonate the World
West Attacks the World; the World Levitates towards Russia, China
From Inside Isolated Hong Kong – Melancholy and Hope
Traffic Jams and Pollution are Destroying Capitalist Southeast Asian Cities
Could the Latest Outburst of Ankara’s Temper Lead to Escalation in Syria?
In Oman the Old Monarch Passed Away, but the New One Will Guarantee Continuity
Coronavirus – China Fights Determinately, while Others Smear!
Japan’s Collaboration with Washington – Everything Goes as Long as it is Against China
Western ‘Political Correctness’ does Not Make All People Equal
Iran's Hero Has Fallen, and Now the World is an Even More Dangerous Place
America, Where Great Literature Kicked the Bucket
In The UK - Do Subjects Deserve Their Rulers?
Washington’s Refined Art of Torturing China May Ignite a War
I Never Saw a World So Fragmented!
Quo Vadis, Lebanon?
Lies Which the West Manufactures and then Consumes
Abandoning Jakarta, Moving Capital to Borneo – Cynicism, Corruption, Murder
Qatar - Education as a Weapon
Beirut is Burning: Rebellion Against the Elites has Commenced
Steve Bannon – a Profile of a US Apparatchik. From China to the Pope
India is Confused; Where does It Go from Here?
Why Russia and China Stand Together
The Last Moments of Indonesia as We Know It
BC: Syrian Refugees ‘Abandoned’ in Lebanon
Some in Hong Kong Feel Frustrated, as Their City is Losing to Mainland China
Joshua Wong, Juan Guaido, – New Generation of Pro-Western “Saints”
Will the Carcass of Indonesian Infrastructure be Really Revived by Big Business?
US – China “Trade” War? No Way! Only the Defeat of Turbo-Capitalism!
Both Israel and Hezbollah Imagined a Horrid Black Hole and Stopped…
The West Oppressed the Third World for so Long that It Became Third World Itself
Several Reasons Why West Papua Should Get its Freedom…
Suddenly West Us Failing to Overthrow "Regimes"
China’s BRI Could Save Destroyed Southeast Asia
Women We Are Fighting For
Why Should Iran be Cherished and Defended?
March of the Uyghurs
Reason Why the West is Determined to Ignore China’s Success
Why are Anti-Migrant Arguments Pure Hypocrisy?
If You Provoke the Entire World, Something May Happen
If You Provoke the Entire World, Something May Happen
Tribute to Beirut Madness
US – If it Cannot Be Loved, It Will Rape!
Morsi Died Reciting a Patriotic Poem in a Cage
In Indonesian Borneo: Humiliate Native People, then Loot their Land
Panda Diplomacy Much Better than Mafia Extortion of Collapsing West
North American, European Public: Finally Wake Up, Damn It!
Hundreds Dies ‘as a Result of the Indonesian Elections’
Europe in Irreversible Decay, EU Elections are Proof of It!
It is Indifference of the Israelis that is Killing People
Oman – Not Like the Rest of the Gulf
Now Indonesia in Love with Trains – China’s BRI Ready to Help
Hawkish Think Tanks Launch Offensive Against China’s Alternative to Western “Development”
Indonesian Elections – Two Right-Wing Candidates Claiming Victory
In the Small Canadian City of Regina, Resistance is Brewing
Julian Assange’s Victory
Russia Warns Bolton: ‘Monroe Doctrine’ Remarks Are Insulting to Latin America
Stop That Gucci And Prada Talk – Chinese And Russians People Want To Live, Too!
Mexico to Spain and Vatican: Apologize for Your Crimes
Like Libya and Syria, Venezuela Is Not “Just about Oil”
US to ICC – We Will Break Your Legs
Can China and Russia Survive in this Unharmonious World?
Idlib –Reportage from the Last Front in Syria
City of Xi’an and Why the New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies the West?
How Come the World is Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome
Year Of The Pig Is Here! Literally
China Creates, Macau Burns and Robs
Southeast Asia Terribly Damaged but Lauded by the West
Does Our Civilization has at Least Some Chance to Survive?
Why is Japan so Bitter About Unstoppable Rise of China?
Syria and Afghanistan: Two Different Realities
Indonesian Tsunami – Thievery, Ineptness and Presidential Elections
In Syria the Entire Nation Mobilized, and Won
Korea – Unification, but Does Not have to be ‘German Style’
Filming in the Most Depressing City on Earth - Jakarta
Saudi Arabia Has to Be Stopped And This Time It May Get Stopped
Magic Imperialism and the Great American Wall
Laos – China is Building, West is Destroying and Spreading Nihilism
West is Losing and so It’s Bashing China and Russia ‘Left and Right’ Literally
What Killed Thousands of Indonesians – The Quake or the Misery?
Even in "Revolutionary Countries", Mass Media is Still in the Hands of the Right
Singapore is Frightened, but it Defends its 'Crypto-Communist' Path
Syria or Southeast Asia - The West Lied, Lies, and Always Will
Indonesia 'Proudly' Joins US-Led Exercise to Antagonize China
European Holocaust Had Roots in Africa, Now Namibia Is Suing Germany
Hello - They Lied To You About Iran!
Jordan - Staunch Western Ally - Angry and Confused
Hashima - Brutal History and the Most Haunted Island on Earth
The West Has Performed 'Philosophical Coup' Against the Left
Releasing My North Korea Documentary Film To My Readers
Donald Trump - Despised by Europe, Despises Europe
Batam Island - Indonesia's Sorry Attempt To Create Second Singapore
Turkish-Syrian Border: Confusion, Destruction and Grief
Why Venezuela and Syria Cannot Fall
Indonesian Islam - "Eat What Even Saudis Would Not Touch Anymore"
On Board British airways: Enjoy Propaganda and Glorification of Churchill
Do You Want to Travel Around The Middle East? Think Twice!
China's Determined March Towards the Ecological Civilization
Israel's Murderous Strike on Syria (via 'Pacified' Lebanon)
The West is Obsessed with Perverse Types of Punishment
Voices of the Syrian People
Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control
Syrian Refugees are Going Home, the West Ready to Attack
Why the West Cannot Stomach Russians
Southeast Asia Getting Killed by Logging and Mining
Lebanon - Should it be Devil, Deep Blue Sea... or Russia?
World is Burning - While Western Left is Quarreling!
US - War Dog Wants to Bite, But What and How?
How the South Pacific Countries Are Selling Their Votes
Panic of Boris Johnson in Moscow - Agony of Rotting Empire
Genocidal US Thanksgiving Celebrated Even In Cambodia
United States Blackmails and 'Starves' UNESCO
The Greatest Indonesian Painter and "Praying to the Pig"
52 Years After Fascist Genocide, Indonesians Scared of “Communist Ghosts”
Malaysia Prostrates Itself In Front Of The US
Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia - a True "Success Story"
Syria and Lebanon in Epic Battle Against the ISIS Terrorists
Hezbullah and Syrian Army Units Finishing Off Terrorists of Al-Nusra
Cold Arm of "Jihad" Sponsored by the West is Reaching Rebellious Philippines
Trump's Claws Penetrating Bali
The West Spreading New Wave of Feel-Good Movies and False Hopes
Attack Against Syria and the Region Speaking Up
Afghanistan - 'Small' Western Propaganda Lies, Huge Impact
Turkey and Syria: Blood, Tears and Walls
Top Secret: Beijing has Become One of the Greatest Cities on Earth
Governor of Jakarta: Get Re-elected or Die!
The Philippines in the Center of Asian Realignment
The Entire World is "Fake News"
Taiwan: Ignorance, Danger of War, and a High School Nazi Parade
Vietnam is Well, But That Angers Western Imperialism
Will Vietnam Embrace China After Trump Got Elected?
After the US elections - World Exit!
Jakarta Riots: What Went Wrong?
Top Secret: There Are Still Socialist Countries Left!
Will "They" Really Try To Kill President Duterte?
Syria's Heroic Fight Against Western Imperialism
Burkini and French Imperialist Mind
Western Propaganda - So Simple But So Effective!
South China Sea: Watch Out, Dragon Could Bite!
What Japanese Media Doesn't Want You To Say!
Russia and China Have To Step Up Ideological War
Will Lebanon Be "Handed Over" to ISIS?
North Korea Punished for Helping to Liberate Africa
Please Do Not Poison My Brain With The US Elections!
Bandung - Creative City?
Syria is the Middle Eastern Stalingrad
Why the West Can Never Defeat or "Forgive" Russia
Reformed, Disciplined, and Humiliated UNESCO
Leading Marxist Academics of China and Russia United
Teheran - The Harder They Come
Lebanon - A Stunning Show of Defiance
Ecuador and Greece - Two Different Struggles
A Divided Punjab and the British Terrorist Legacy
The Vulgarity of Czech Collaboration with the USA
Syrian refugees 'abandoned' in Lebanon
India - Betraying BRICS and its Poor
China Daily Articles
Lai fights for right-wing forces — not democracy
HK and its people should never be reduced to a game
Anti-racism uprisings: HK youth's lessons on the West
Rioters stage bad-taste drama with the West to damage China
Anti-Communism is a Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed by Billions
US should leave China alone, focus on putting its own house in order
The national security law for SAR something that is long overdue
On May Day, the opposition again acted foolishly and irresponsibly
Why Were Pro-Western Militants Arrested in Hong Kong
Western narratives of HK arrests show hypocrisy
US attack against WHO will backfire
US attack against WHO will backfire
The opposition in HK will never accept facts
‘Chinese virus’ rhetoric shows ineptness of US politicians
The West’s horrific reaction to virus: Is it what rioters wanted?
US attack on Chinese media a bad joke
Hong Kong must remain open and not succumb to Western propaganda
Western propaganda plays up virus danger
Saboteurs exhibit appalling callousness in times of crisis
How the murder of Iranian commander connected to HK
A Letter to the young people of Hong Kong
Brutalized HK police facing extremely dangerous enemies
Real police brutality is a nightmare, but not in Hong Kong
Who gives US the right to lecture China about rights?
West wrongly blames China for continent's woes
US invents bizarre "China-threat" theory
Despite Western skepticism, democracy thrives in China
Time running out for Kiribati
Should the internet be regulated?
China's Success Here To Stay
West caught in the Net of double standard
When will West ever learn history lesson?
Tibet Card Won't Help Obama
Indonesia gets reacquainted with Chinese language, culture
Riding Red Tracks
Amid Pain and Devastation, Chile Stands Tall
Road of Love On The Path To Development
Africa's Poor Too Far From Summits and Their Agenda
China Daily Asia Weekly Articles
Reminder of bygone Japan
Soaked in Tradition
Philippines Cordileras - Dismal Harvest
Vigan - Honoring Heritage
Ayutthaya - Cradle of History
Taking the slow train
Hue - The other 'Forbidden City'
Hue - Eat like royatly
Baduy - Caught in a time warp
Baduy - Local wisdom shows the way
Vietnam - Vibrant and full of great expectations
Vietnam - Going global yet keeping local identity intact
Kanchipuram - A Tryst With Temples
Tuvalu - Fighting for Survival
Tono - Heartland of legends and fairytales
A Symbol of Recovery
Kuching - The City of Cats and Much More
Kuching - A blend of city and jungle adventure
Onomichi - Where time stands still
Pontianak - Aura of 'mystery' and air of joy
A question of identity
New Zealand - Where life is good and nature stunning
Country Focus - Timor Leste
Ubud - Quiet Renaissance of a Treasured Island
Global Research Articles
U.S. Thugs Warned Russia and Venezuela – They Have to be Stopped
New Year's Message and a Warning from War Correspondent
Borneo - Island Devastated, People Oblivious, Neocolonialist Nightmare
Why I Reject Western Courts and Justice
Trump Claws Penetrating Bali
US "Jihadi Express": Indonesia - Afghanistan - Syria - Philippines
Trump, in North Korea, You Will Be Murdering Human Beings!
Reflecting on Syria
"Afghanistan - As Only Love Could Hurt" (Notes From A Broken Land)
The West Is Finished, But Why? Frightened Lives.
Afghanistan - As Only Love Could Hurt!
Trump, Atomic Bombs and Confused Japanese Samurais
No Pasaran, Comandante Fidel!
After the US elections - World Exit!
Aurora: Western “Culture” is Wrecking Entire Continents… “How the Empire Operates”
Sudan, Africa, and the mosaic of horrors.
Unreliability, Spinelessness of the Western "Left"
The Burkini and France's Imperialist Mindset
Ms. Clinton, Stop Russian "Bear Hunting"!
Why Brazil under President Michel Temer Risks Becoming "Lebanized"
The Empire Wants Ms. Clinton, The Conqueror!
Hillary Clinton, History Repeats Itself!
Turkey - Let Us Not Celebrate Yet!
Like Trumo, Hitler Also Liked His "Small People"
Attempt to ban Russian Olympic Team - New Cold War at its 'best'!
South China Sea: Watch Out, China Dragon Could Bite!
Tough Russian Anti-Capitalist Literature
Venezuela and When People Are "Forced to Eat Shit"!
Brexit - Let the UK Screw Itself: Once Again, European Bigotry Exposed!
Russia and China Have to Step Up "Ideology War" against Imperialism
Appeal to China and Russia: Please Do Not Let Venezuela Fall!
Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Islamist Extremism, Hillary's Saudi Sponsors Support Terrorism
Reflecting on the Cuban Revolution: “Why I Am a Communist!”
South Korea's Anti-Communist Dogma
Will Lebanon Be "Handed Over" to ISIS?
Events in Brussels Observed from a Spaceship
Why Does the West Hate North Korea?
South Korea and the Art of Collaboration. Raw War Propaganda Against DPRK
West Created Terrorism to "Look Superior"
Indonesia: 50 Years After the Coup and the CIA Sponsored Terrorist Massacre. The Ruin of Indonesian Society
The Floods of Jakarta: The Poor Are dying To Make The Rich Richer
21st Century Wire Articles
The ‘Battle’ Against COVID-19 in a Fragmented World, Has Ruined Billions of Lives
New Indonesian Capital in Borneo: From Rural Misery to Grody Dreams of Urban Glory
My Eight Day Journey Around the Planet – With COVID-19 on My Tail
Central Vietnam: An Enduring Legacy of How Far Washington is Willing to Go
Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism
VIVA EVO! Morales Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will Endure
The Sadness of Submissive, Quietly Recolonized Malaysia
The Philippines Are Choosing New Allies – Asia is Watching
COLOMBIA: Where Life Has to Defeat Death
The West’s Philosophical Coup Against the “Left”
PHILIPPINES: President Duterte for Dummies
Saudi Arabia Must Be Stopped, and This Time Perhaps They Will Be Stopped?
Information Clearing House Articles
Is Washington’s Attack Against Chinese Media a Bad Joke?
How Is Washington ‘Liberating’ Free Countries
Police in Hong Kong Brutalized by Rioters While Attacked by the Western Press
Italy Tries to Kick Out Their Right-Wing Extremist from the ‘Gladiator Cloister’
Who gives US the right to lecture China about rights?
US Trade War with China: Desperate Move to Save Western Empire
No Matter What the Western Propaganda Says, Chinese Democracy is Alive and Well!
CounterPunch Articles
On "Independence": Catalunia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America
Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia
In Bangkok - "No Speak Your Language, Speak Thai or Die!"
The People of Afghanistan Have Had Truly Enough of Western Imperialist Barbarism
The World Remembers the 64th Anniversary of the Western-Sponsored Coup in Iran
Borneo (Kalimantan) - A Frontline of Survival of Our Planet
Afghanistan's Lies, Myths and Legends
US "Jihadi Express": Indonesia - Afghanistan - Syria - Philippines
Middle Eastern Surgeon Speaks About "Ecology of War"
Only Rational Thinking Will Save The World
Afghanistan - 'Small' Western Lies, Huge Impact
Love and Western Nihilism
Lock Up England in Jail or an Insane Asylum!
Governor of Jakarta: Get Re-elected or Die!
The West Is Finished, But Why?
"Outside World" according to Western "Progressive Liberals"
After the US Elections - World Exit!
I Still Don't Hear the Voices of American Voters!
Western "Culture" is Wrecking Entire Continents
Sudan, Africa and Mosaic of Horrors
Will They Really Try to Kill the President of the Philippines?
Turkey, Let Us Not Celebrate Yet!
Tough Russian Anti-Capitalist Literature
Brexit -Let the UK Screw Itself!
Appeal to China and Russia: Please Do Not Let Venezuela Fall
South Korean Man Questions Anti-Communist Propaganda
I am a Communist!
Cuba Will Not Fall!
Defend Brazil!
"Poor" G7 Just Cannot Disarm Yet!
South Korea and the Art of Collaboration
Academia: Hands Off Revolutionary Philosophy!
Europe is Built on Corpses and Plunder
How the West Create Terrorism
Latin America Has to Fight and Win!
Merry Christmas: Hundreds of Millions Crushed By the Cross
Love, Marriage, and Imperialism
At Night I Hear Victims Shouting
Lebanon: 'A land divided and subservient to outside forces'
The Saudi Prince and Two Tons of Narcotics
Turkey - Rotten Politics and Promise of Revolution
In Prague You Get Beaten For Defending Refugees
Horrid Carcass of Indonesia - 50 Years After the Coup
Southeast Asia "Forgets" About Western Terror
Iran is Standing!
Lebanon - What if it Fell?
The West Spreads Intellectual Idiocy
The Refugees Are Coming!
Kos, Bodrum, Desperate Refugees and a Dying Child
They Say Paraguay is in Africa: Mosaic of Horror
Ecuador Fights for Its Suvival - Against its Elites
Latin American Revolutions Under Attack
In the USA - "I Cannot Write!"
To Be Russian
The Hidden Tears of Punjab
Genocidal Indonesia Executing Drug Convicts
Galeano Died
Those Who Collaborate with the West
Nothing is Right in the Middle East
The Czech Republic and the Fine Art of Collaboration
The Collapse of French Intellectual Diversity
Greece Injured by EU
I'm Still Not Charlie
Any Coup Attempts Should Be Punished: Sanctions Imposed on the US?
Education Has Little to do with Knowledge
Genocide in Kashmir: India's Shame
Half of Humanity Now Forms the 'Resistance'
Obamized Again!
Genocides, Not Wars
Art Has To Fight For Justice
Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism?
2015: Defending Humanity By Reason or Force
The Empire is Crumbling, That is Why It Needs War
Christian Dogma Should be Questioned
Eritrea: African Ideological Ebola for Imperialists
Trolls!We Create, They Spoil, and We Fight Back!
'Iraqi Kurdistan' - Western Fifth Column in the Middle East
"Security" in the West's Client States
Do Western Countries Hate Socialist Countries?
'Pro-Democracy Protests' in Hong Kong
Open Letter to President of Indonesia: Fight For New Indonesia
Former Czech Dissident, Now Against the West: Freest Under Czech Communism!
Venomous European Journeys!
In South Africa, Africa is Rising
Syria, the Latest Crusade
The Namibia Legacy: Germany's African Genocide
Are Europe's Horrid Crimes Forgiven?
Freedom for Palestine!
India is Where?
Vanguard of the New World: Do Not Dilute BRICS!
Why Do They Hate Us?
Cambodia and Western Fabrication of History
MH17 - Sacrificed Airliner
Indonesia: A Proudly Nazi Nation?
The Loneliness of Anti-Imperialist Fighters
Beware of Kicking the Dragon and Bear!
How Should We Write and Fight?
Down With Western 'Democracy'!
Genocide in Indonesian Zoo
Obamanized Asia
Unite Against Imperialism!
Christianity, Guilty as Charged!
The Bangkok Protests
Ukraine: Lies and Realities
Ukraine, a Fascist Coup?
Shameful, Cowardly European Art
The Indoctrinated West
Open Letter to President of Venezuela: Soon, the Battle for Venezuela
I am Scared, Therefore I am Brave
How the West Manufactures 'Opposition Movements'
Down and Out in Thailand
The Poor Are Dying To Make The Rich Richer
Chilean Socialism 1: Indonesian Fascism 0
Surabaya: Religious Gaga!
Egypt: End of Hope
Dispatch from Djibouti: Total Militerized Lunacy
What Really Happened at Westgate
Egypt: In the Eye of the Storm
Syria, Prepare Yourself for Rape!
Havana, Where Everyone Can Dance
North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory
A Dispatch From The Toughest Slums on Earth
Racism and Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Imperialism Is Now Murdering Stories
Ghost of British Colonialism Haunting Sabah
East African Opposition, Really?
Harare: Is It Really the Worst City on Earth?
Chavez's Triumph
Kenya Votes
Indonesia: They Also Murder Elephants
Israel's Wall of Madness
Facing Syria From an Israeli Bunker
Deep in the Rectum: Western Art is Barking at China
Last Sparks from Tahrir Square
Waging War Against the Philippine State
Dispatch from Port Said: Notes from a Besieged City
A Photo Essay: Cairo Before the Blast
Jakarta's Killer Floods and the Elites
The Irrational, Racist Fear of China
Requiem for a New Delhi Rape Victim
Okinawa: Notes from the 'Evil Island'
Police State India
Cambodian Horror Show
Interview with Ziauddin Sardar: Does Islam Need Reform?
'Enemies of the Australian State' and Hanoi
Governor 'Jokowi' Enters Jakarta on a Wooden Horse
China Daily Has Had Me!
Screw the Elections!
Shi'a Blood is Halal!
Poetry and Latin American Revolution
Our Leningrad
Climate Change vs Kiribati
Blaming It All On Muslims
In the heart of the DR Congo: The Most Brutal Genocide Money Can Buy
Veiled Muslim Women and Boozing Western Intellectuals
Down the mean streets of Central America: Where the Wounds Refuse to Heal
Grab Everything and Justify It by War
The Death of Investigative Journalism
The Perfect Fascist City - Take a Train in Jakarta
In Defense of Paper Book
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Articles
The Ecology of War in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific
It Is Not Chittagong Here - It Is Indonesia
Can the Miracle of Music Transform Africa’s Poverty? China’s Great Pianist Yuan Sheng Performs in Kenyan Slum
Intolerance, Religious Lynching and the Future of Indonesia
In Bangkok Many Reds Look Beyond Thaksin Toward Revolution: A Photo Essay
The Re-emergence of Chinese in Jakarta
In the Tropical Forests of Sumatra: Notes from Climate Change 'Ground Zero'
Hillary's Indonesia: In Praise of "Moderate Islam"
Jihad, Orthodox Islam and Religious Intolerance in Indonesia
The Cook Islands and the Pacific Island Nations: Will the Last Person Leaving Please Turn Off the Lights?
Fiji's Mercenary Military, the US and the Politics of Coup D'etat
Samoa: One Nation, Two Failed States
Paradise Lost. Logging and the Environmental and Social Destruction of the Solomon Islands
Wooing the Islands: China and Taiwan High Stakes Bid for Pacific Island Support
The New Face of Indonesia's Islamic Fundamentalism: Pornography Ban Ignores the Starving
Indonesia After Suharto—The Last King of Java Forgiven (By Elites)
The Suharto's Legacy - As He Lay Dying
From the Kwajalein Missile Range to Fiji: The Military, Money and Misery in Paradise
Timor-Leste and Indonesia, Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Sinking. Tuvalu and the Pacific Islands in an Age of Global Warming
Climate Change and the Threat to Pacific Island Nations
The Kingdom of Tonga and the Fight Against Feudalism in the Pacific Islands
Indonesia: Natural Disasters or Mass Murder?
George Bush's Visit to Indonesia, the Indonesia-US Relationship and the 1965 Coup
Bush May Face Religous Wrath In Indonesia
The New Pacific Walls: The US, Australia, and New Zealand Isolate and Divide Small Insular Nations
People's Daily Articles
Bolivian doctors fighting for socialism
Confessions of Japan's 'train maniac'
Academia: United States igniting the Conflict between Philippines and China
Lamu - China came but never conquered
Goodbye old Stuttgart station
People's Daily: Pilsen - Cold War, Cold Beer and European Capital of Culture
Istanbul at the crossroads
Is West genuinely trying to 'save' Syria?
Lanta Island - so close and yet so far
Japanese intellectuals - back to the rice fields
Confessions of Japan's 'train maniac'
Academia: United States igniting the Conflict between Philippines and China
Lamu - China came but never conquered
Goodbye old Stuttgart station
People's Daily: Pilsen - Cold War, Cold Beer and European Capital of Culture
Istanbul at the crossroads
Is West genuinely trying to 'save' Syria?
Lanta Island - so close and yet so far
Japanese intellectuals - back to the rice fields
Foreign Policy In Focus Articles
The Wahhabi War on Indonesia's Shiites
Postcard from...Kiribati
Postcard from...Hatay
Postcard From...Dadaab
Postcard From... Kampala
Interview with Mwandawiro Mghanga
Postcard From...Kigali
Postcard From...Thailand
Postcard From... Kogelo
Postcard From... Cape Town
Postcard From...Goma
Postcard From... Chile
Postcard From... Jakarta
Clinton in Indonesia: What She Missed
Postcard From...Jakarta
Postcard From...Eastleigh
Postcard From... Nairobi
Postcard From...Kwajalein
Kenya's Incursion in Somalia
A Tortured History and Unanswered Questions
Secret War' Still Killing Thousands
Z Commentaries
Anger after New Delhi rape victim dies
Sick, Sick Cambodian Stories
Police State India and Robert Clive
Islam Needs Reform
Governor “Jokowi” Enters Jakarta On A Wooden Horse
Poetry and Latin American Revolution
When Is the Syrian 'Opposition' Syrian?
Leningrad and the Solitude of an Internationalist
The Most Brutal Genocide Money Can Buy
Where the Wounds Refuse to Heal
Bolivian Doctors Fighting for Socialism
The Kenya-Somalia Bizarre War -- And Here Comes Israel
50 Years after Hemingway's Death Establishment Ostracizes Political Fiction
French Freedom - Only for French
UN Report on Congo
Indonesia – The Worst Example For Revolutions In Arab World
The West Perfecting Its Techniques To Hurt China
Discredited And Servile - Western Mass Media Perverts Information About Thailand
Z Communications: Discredited And Servile - Western Mass Media Perverts Information About Thailand
In The Tropical Forest of Sumatra
Hard Core Capitalist Indonesia And Awful Services
Chile - Money and Propaganda Won
World Can't Be Changed Without Fighting Western Propaganda
White Australians Can Booze Up But Not The Aboriginese
Pacific Island Nations: Will The Last Person Out Turn Off The Light? From Rarotonga, Cook Islands
China - Tibet As Justification For Iraq
Indonesian Morality: Ban Sex Sites Ignore Starving Children
The French Are Not Lazy (Deleting Sarkozy)
Suharto As He Lays Dying
Fiji: Tourism Behind Barbed Wire From Viti Levu and Vanua Levu
Indonesia and Destruction of Rainforest
Kwajalein Missile Range, Captain Yosarian and Robert Jordan
Resisting Nokia N90
Jakarta Voted - Keep Holding Your Nose!
Fijian Military and Culture of Fear
Being Humiliated at New Zealand and Australian Airports
Kingdom of Tonga and Fight Against Feudalism
Pacific Islands: With Whom Do We Sleep Tonight?
ASEAN: Distant Dream of Unity
Indonesia: Natural Disasters or Mass Murder?
Bush: Six Hours 'Charms Offensive' in Indonesia
S. Korean Propaganda - Traveling With Mr. Kim: From The North/South Korean Border and Seoul
Coming Back to Hanoi
Thai Coup: Old Elites Against New
Cambodia: History and Unanswered Questions
World Cup - Predictable Victory For Big Businesses
Once Again Indonesia Failed Its Quake Victims
Laos: Secret War Still Killing Thousands of People
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
South East Asia - Those Beloved Malls
Ubud In Bali: One More Victim of Globalization
Condoleezza Rice Revisits The Scenes of US Crimes
40 Year After Indonesian Holocauset - Silence
Hurricane Katrina - View From Asia
Colonia Dignidad in Chile: "Fall of The God"
Will Indonesia Be Saved from Euro-2004?
East Timor: Australia's Shame
Thailand: What's Going On?
Indonesia: Not Even Yet At The Crossroads
East Timor: Indonesian Amnesia
'Activist Nun' From Tennessee
New Violence in Gujarat: Don't Blame It Just On Muslims
It's Illegal To Have Aids in Burma
Z Magazine
Radar, Star Wars, and the Czech Republic
Indonesia After Suharto: Last King of Java Forgiven (By Elites)
The Current Situation in Latin America: Interview With Eduardo Galeano
Western Terror - From Potosi to Baghdad
Z Net Articles
A Tortured History and Unanswered Questions
Interview With Haji Ibrahim “Bambi”
Egypt, Port Said: Notes From A Besieged City
Okinawa: Notes From The ‘Evil Island’
Anger after New Delhi rape victim dies
Sick, Sick Cambodian Stories
Police State India and Robert Clive
Islam Needs Reform
Governor “Jokowi” Enters Jakarta On A Wooden Horse
Poetry and Latin American Revolution
Will Tiny Nation of Kiribati 'Sink'?
When Is the Syrian 'Opposition' Syrian?
Leningrad and the Solitude of an Internationalist
The Most Brutal Genocide Money Can Buy
Where the Wounds Refuse to Heal
Bolivian Doctors Fighting for Socialism
The Kenya-Somalia Bizarre War -- And Here Comes Israel
50 Years after Hemingway's Death Establishment Ostracizes Political Fiction
French Freedom - Only for French
Z Net Book Interview with Andre Vltchek
Point of No Return
Aceh: Take Action Now
Defending Venezuela
Memories of Hell
Horta Explains...
Western Terror - From Potosi to Baghdad
The Left in Peru
Coronavirus – China Fights Determinately, while Others Smear!
Ban of Russian Olympic Team - Cold War at Its 'Best'!
Ignorance and Indoctrination of Westerners Kills Millions
Abe's Japan - Fascist and Falling
The West Torments Iran
Lebanon at a Crossroad
'The Butterfly Prison' by Tamara Pearson Affectionately Demands Change
Socialist Argentina Helping People in Fascist Paraguay
Greece: Victory of the Left?
In Ecuador, Stop Those Who Are Committing Treason!
It is Cold in the US
South Africa - Progress Through Struggle
Galeano Died - The Revolution Goes On!
The Latest Piece of Deadly Imperialist 'Mosaic of Terror'
Obama, Kashmir, and India's 'Perfect Genocide'
Saudi Wahhabism Serves Western Imperialism
Do you want to travel around the Middle East? Think twice!
China’s determined march towards the ecological civilization
Israel’s Murderous Strikes on Syria (via Pacified Lebanon)
Diagnosing the West with Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD)
Voices of the Syrian people
Southeast Asia Getting Killed by Logging and Mining
The Greatest Indonesian Painter and "The Praying of the Pig"
52 years after fascist genocide, Indonesians scared of “Communist Ghosts”
Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia – a true “success story”
In Bangkok – “No speak your language, speak Thai or die!”
Andre Vltchek: “The people of Afghanistan have had truly enough of Western imperialist barbarism”
Syria and Lebanon defeating the ISIS terroristsThe world remembers 64th anniversary of the west-sponsored coup in Iran
Hezbollah and Syrian Army finishing off terrorists from al-NusraAfghanistan is right here! Lies, myths and legendsPhilippines: Western Media is Distorting Reality, People and Army Unite to Battle “ISIS”Why I Reject Western Courts and JusticeTrump’s Claws Penetrating BaliU.S. Jihadi Express: Indonesia – Aghanistan – Syria – Philippines
Veterans News Now
Le Monde Diplomatique
Open Democracy
The Oakland Institute Reports
China Dialogue
Asia Times Articles
Moro leader looks for united front
Wahhabi war waged on Indonesia's Shi'ites
It is not Chittagong here - it's Indonesia
In Indonesia, a morality crusade misplaced
The Irish Times Articles
The 4th Media Articles
Events in Brussels Observed from a Spaceship
Western Media Do Not Cover Iran's Humanitarian's Contribution to Syria: Andre Vltchek
The Poor Are Dying To Make The Rich Richer
Racism and Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Imperialism Now Murdering Stories
Ghost of British Colonialism Haunting Sabah
Harare: Is it Really the Worst City on Earth?
Postcard from Sumatra Indonesia: They Also Murder Elephants!
A Landscape of Wires: Israel's Wall of Madness
Facing Syria From an Israeli Bunker: I Felt Very Tired and Sad
The Long Struggle for Moro Autonomy in the Philippines
Latest Exclusive News from Egypt: The Tahrir Square Died, But Not the Revolution: Last Sparks From Tahrir
Reporting from the Destroyed Egypt: Scenes From a Besieged City
A Photo Essay Cairo Before the Blast: Egypt At The Crossroad, Ready To Explode
Jakarta’s Killer Floods and the Elites
Notes From the “Evil Island,” Okinawa, Japan: Futenma US Air Force Base
Irrational, Racist Fear of China: Racism, Irrationality of the West May BACKFIRE
West caught in the Net of double standard
Dissident Voice
No Matter What the Western Propaganda Says, Chinese Democracy is Alive and Well!
Pope and I in Cairo
Middle Eastern Surgeon Speaks About "Ecology of War"
Reflecting on Syria
"Outside World" according to Western "Progressive Liberals"
DPRK: Isolated, Demonized, and Dehumanized by the West
Western Empire's Unmatchable Brutality
Insane UN Claim: Bandung is a 'Creative City'
In Prague, You Get Beaten for Defending Refugees
What Does Solidarity Mean for the Left?
V-Day: Russia's Perpetual Fight Against Fascism
Those Who Collaborate with the West
So Much Wrong in the Middle East
Collaboration: Czech Style
Where Are the Brave French Minds Now?
India: Betraying BRICS and Its Poor
Sanctions Should Be Imposed on the US
Education Has Little to Do with Knowledge
Freedom and Peace Through Art
Empire Manufactures Muslim Monsters
2015: Defending Humanity from Hyperempire
Surabaya Mourning Its Air Asia Victims But Not Its Poor
Eritrea's Struggle for Independence
Kelud Volcano: Tears Washing Ash Away
Rape and Racism in Indonesia
Murdering the Stories
Provoking World War III
What Cannot Be Written in the USA
The Greanville Post
Do Not Belittle Protesters in U.S. By Calling Their Struggle A “Color Revolution”!
Propaganda! Pardon Me, Is Mine Really Bigger Than Yours?
World is Burning - While Western Left is Quarelling
U.S. - War Dog Wants to Bite, But What and How?
Lock Up the English Establishment in a Jail or Insane Asylum!
Unreliability, Spinelessness of the Western 'Left'
Both Ms Clinton and I Got Burned Out, For Very Different Reasons
Ms. Clinton: Stop Russian 'Bear Hunting'
The Empire Wants Ms Clinton, The Conqueror!
Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Islamist Extremism
Hillary Clinton - History Repeats Itself
"China will react if provoked again: you risk the war!"
Appeal to China and Russia: Please Do Not Let Venezuela Fall
South Korean Man Questions Anti-Communist Dogma
Leading Marxist Academics of China and Russia United
In Prague You Get Beaten By Defending Refugees
Stop Millions of Western Immigrants!
I testify that Iran is Standing
Latin American Revolutions Under Attack
CLASSIC ARCHIVES: Down and Out in Thailand
2015: Defending Humanity By Reason or Force
The Empire is Crumbling, That's Why It Needs War!
Christianity, Imperialism, and Capitalism
Surabaya Mourning Air Asia Victims But Not Its Poor
'Iraqi Kurdistan' - Western Fifth Column in the Middle East
Do Western Lefties Hate Socialist Countries?
The Fight for New Indonesia: An Open Letter to the President of Indonesia
‘Pro-democracy protests’ in HK: They ran out of colours – Now it's an "Umbrella Revolution"
"From dissident to anti-imperialist performer" - A discussion with Milan Kohout
Europe, Genocide and Amnesia
Syria, the Latest Crusade
Ripping Off the Mask of Fake Democracy - by Alevtina Rea: A review of Andre Vltchek’s new book “Fighting Against Western Imperialism"
Thai Elites and Coups: It is all about controlling the people - A discussion with Andrew Marshall
Egypt: In the Eye of the Storm - A Photo Essay
Namibia – Germany's African Holocaust
India is Where? On Two Chairs!
Beware of Kicking the Dragon and Bear!
How Should We Write and Fight?
Why the West will never either defeat or forgive Russia
They Say Paraguay is in Africa: Mosaic of Horror
The Oceania Saker
Afghanistan - As Only Love Could Hurt!
The Entire World Is "Fake News"
President Duterte of the Philippines For Dummies
Vietnam is Well, But That Angers Western Imperialism
Russian Novels Combating Global Capitalist Nightmare
South Korean Man Questions Anti-Communist Dogma
"March of Silence" in Uruguay Sends Message of Remembrance to South America
Send Tanks, Defend Brazil, Dilma!
"Poor" G7 Cannot Disarm Yet!
Why Does The West Hate North Korea?
Academia: Hands Off Revolutionary Philosophy!
Conversation: CounterPunch Radio Exposing Lies of the Empire
Europe Is Built on Corpses and Plunder
Conversation: Iran Has Been Transparent and Accountable Over Its Nuclear Program
Insane UN Claim: Bandung - Creative City
West Creates Terrorism to 'Look Superior'
Conversation: Iran Has Been Transparent and Accountable Over Its Nuclear Program
Horrid Carcass of Indonesia - 50 Year After the Coup
Southeast Asia "Forgets" About Western Terror
Iran is Standing
Lebanon - What If It Fell?
The Refugees Are Coming!
Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing
Kos, Bodrum, Desperate Refugees and a Dying Child
They Say Paraguay is in Africa: Mosaic of Horror
Socialist Argentina Helping People in Fascist Paraguay
Those Who Collaborate With the West
India's Genocide in Kashmir
Half of Humanity Now Forms the 'Resistance'
Obamized Again
Genocides, Not Wars
Art Has to Fight for Justice
The West Manufacturing Muslim Monsters
Fascism Will Be Fought- 2015: Defending Humanity By Reason or Force
The Empire is Crumbling, That is Why It Needs War
Christian Dogma Should Be Questioned
African Ideological Ebola for Imperialists
Trolls!! We Create, They Spoil, and We Fight Back
Book Review: Point of No Return
'Iraqi Kurdistan' - Western Fifth Column in the Middle East
Do Western Leftists Hate Socialist Countries?
Pro-democracy Protests in HK
Fight for New Indonesia
Freest Under Czech Communism
Venomous European Journeys!
In South Africa, Africa is Rising!
Syria - The Latest Crusade
Namibia - Germany's African Holocaust
Are Europe's Horrid Crimes Forgiven?
Ripping Off the Mask of Fake Democracy
Freedom for Palestine! And Papua! And Congo!
India is Where? On Two Chairs
Why Do They Hate Us?
Information Clearing House
Look at them now – those who ate your lies
Saudi Wahhabism Serves Western Imperialism
Why I Reject Western Courts and Justice
The West Is Becoming Irrelevant, The World Is Laughing
The Entire World is "Fake News"
Will "They" Really Try To Kill President Duterte?
Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control
Italy Tries To Kick Out The Right-Wing Extremist Steve Bannon From The ‘Gladiator Cloister’
Mobilize And Defend Venezuela!
Iran Is ‘Not Alone’: Interview With Andre Vltchek
Borneo - Not Just Nature, But Also Great Ancient Culture Has Been Destroyed
New Year's Message and Warning From A War Correspondent
Panic Of Boris Johnson In Moscow: Agony Of Rotting Empire
Capitalism Reduced Indonesian Cities To Infested Carcases
Cambodia Keeps Perverting Its Own History For Cash
Genocidal U.S Thanksgiving Celebrated Even In Cambodia
Borneo: Island Devastated, People Oblivious
Long Live Great October Revolution! 100 Years Of Screwing Imperialism
United States Blackmails And ‘Starves’ UNESCO
The Greatest Indonesian Painter And ‘Praying To The Pig’
52 Years After Fascist Genocide, Indonesians Scared Of “Communist Ghosts”
Western Propaganda In Southeast Asia — A True “Success Story”
The People of Afghanistan Have Had Truly Enough of Western Imperialist Barbarism
Syria And Lebanon Defeating The ISIS Terrorists
Hezbollah And Syrian Army Finishing Off Terrorists Of Al-Nusra
Borneo (Kalimantan): A Frontline For Survival Of Our Planet
Afghanistan Is Right Here! Lies, Myths And Legends
Philippines: Western Media Is Distorting Reality, People And Army Unite To Battle “ISIS”
Why I Reject Western Courts And Justice
U.S. “Jihadi Express”: Indonesia – Afghanistan – Syria – Philippines
Indonesian Borneo Is Finished: They Also Rape Orangutans
The West Spreading New Wave Of Feel-Good Movies And False Hopes
Love Vs Pornography, Revolution Vs Passivity
Lebanon: Hedonism And War
Pope And I In Cairo
Middle Eastern Surgeon Speaks About The ‘Ecology Of War’
Trump – In North Korea You Will Be Murdering Human Beings!
Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save The World!
Photo Essay: Reflecting On Syria
Love, Western Nihilism And Revolutionary Optimism
Afghanistan: Notes From A Broken Land