Published by Badak Merah
"MESSAGE FOR HUMANITY" - Selection of Essays and Writings by Andre Vltchek
Badak Merah is launching the ‘Message for Humanity by Andre Vltchek’ series. What underpins the series is Vltchek’s love for humanity and lifelong quest for fighting Western imperialism. The first electronic edition contains 15 essays and writings as selected by 11 friends, colleagues, and comrades who also explain why they are important for humanity. Touching upon a wide range of issues and geographical areas such as Afghanistan, China, Oceania, the essays and writing will help readers understand the nature of imperialism and tear away its modern disguises’ as commented by John Pilger as he salutes Andre Vltchek.

Published by Badak Merah
"NEW CAPITAL OF INDONESIA: Abandoning Destitute Jakarta, Moving To Plundered Borneo" is not only about moving the Indonesian capital from the destitute sinking Jakarta to plundered and scarred Borneo. It is about moral corruption, greed and spite for both people and the environment. Groundbreaking and daring work. Proof that Indonesian elites would sacrifice anybody and anything for profit and power”

Published by Badak Merah
“CHINA’S BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE - Connecting Countries Saving Millions of Lives” is a compilation of essays by Andre Vltchek. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is fundamentally reshaping the world. Africa, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia, that were previously at the mercy of Western imperialist powers, have suddenly discovered that they have alternatives and choices. Entire huge railroad pro- jects in East Africa as well as in the once devastated Laos are now connecting continents. Along the railway lines, schools are growing, and so are medical facilities, community learning centers and cultural institutions. All this because of BRI. BRI is about the well-being of the people, about the culture, health and knowledge. BRI aimes at connecting human beings of different races, life philosophies, and beliefs.

Published by Badak Merah
“CHINA AND ECOLOGICAL CIVILIZATION” is a book of conversation between John B. Cobb, Jr and Andre Vltchek. As the world is possibly heading for yet another catastrophe and the West is flexing its muscles, antagonising every single country that stands in its way to the total domination of the Planet, one country - one of the oldest cultures of earth, China, stood up and said “No! There are different ways to go forward. We could all benefit from the progress, without cannibalizing and fully destroying our Planet.”
![]() Published by Badak Merah
The great Latin American revolutionary writer, Eduardo Galeano, once said toVltchek, “It is time to raise old flags. It is time to un-dust them and once again gather under them.” The Revolution is not over. Communism and socialism are far from being defeated. One of the leading left-wing thinkers today, Andre Vltchek, in this collection of philosophical, revolutionary essays, explains why revolutionary optimism is so feared in the nihilistic West and, by taking us to all corners of the world, proves that people everywhere are still capable of dreaming, hoping and fighting for a much better world and for eternal ideals! Please click here to order.
![]() Published by Badak Merah
Powerful, Urgent, this book is straightforwardly challenging Western Anti-Communist and Anti-Internationalist Dogmas. "The Great October Socialist Revolution" began by a proud salvo from Aurora. It broke the prison wall as well as chains, and a secret road suddenly opened. The journey began. Several countries rode, following the revolutionary ideals. Since then, some have fallen. Others rose again. Please click here to order.
![]() Published by Badak Merah
“AURORA is a tremendous work. Aurora is what a literary work should be: fully human. It is also what used to be known as a major literary work because it's rare to its time. It represents a leading edge of consciousness, courage, and social need. A major work! That's why it must be buried, as we know. I'm glad I can be part of it. Aurora is written at a consistently intense, dynamic level. I wish it could be 500 pages and dropped like a sonic boom on all the acclaimed literary centers of the world and be released like a climatic change for the good in the rest of the world.” ~ Tony Christini, Author of Homefront “Terrific! Andre Vltchek's marvelous novel, AURORA, is one of those small books whose impact far exceeds its length. It is a highly polemical book in some ways, but also a fantastic journey of the imagination. Comparisons could include Juan Rulfo's Pedro Paramo, and Rene Daumal’s Mount Analogue; but also Bulgakov and Leonov, Borges and Upton Sinclair. It is part Utopian vision, part nightmare, and part simply a vastly original inspiration. Like all works of true originality, it is, finally impossible to define, but it is possible to read it, and so you should, as quickly as possible.” ~ John Steppling, Playwright, screenwriter, and philosopher Please click here to order.
![]() Published by Badak Merah
FIGHTING AGAINST WESTERN IMPERIALISM compiles ten modified essays that were written during just a few months of the onslaught of the Western imperialism all over the world. Andre Vltchek had traveled the world searching for parallels, similarities; comparing scenarios. He tried to grasp, and then to explain, how the Empire really works, how it selects its targets, which countries it decides to destroy and why? He studied the ‘opposition movements’ manufactured by Washington and London, and how they get implanted in so many different parts of the world; basically wherever people and their governments still dare to insist on defending their own national interests and choosing their own political as well as economic systems. Please click here to order.
WESTERN TERROR![]() Classic Vltchek Series
Published by Badak Merah Western Terror is a book of essays and political commentaries by Andre Vltchek that revisits many complex regional conflicts on our planet, including in the United States, Iraq, India, East Timor, Indonesia, and Latin America. Please click here to order the book. PLAYS: 'GHOSTS OF VALPARAISO' AND 'CONVERSATIONS WITH JAMES'
![]() Plays: "Ghosts of Valparaiso" and "Conversations with James" are two great plays by Andre Vltchek in one book, published by Badak Merah.
"Ghosts of Valparaiso" is a revolutionary drama, a love story between Chilean journalist and Southeast Asian ghost. Both Chile and Indonesia had been suffering from terrible destruction by Western regime. A comedy "Conversation with James", is an atheist play about much higher civilization that decided to create human beings. It is them, not God, controlling our lives. Please click here to order. EXILE: Conversations with Pramoedya Ananta Toer
![]() “Fascinating... endlessly sad.”—Noam Chomsky
In these remarkable interviews with André Vltchek and Rossie Indira, edited by Nagesh Rao, Indonesia’s most celebrated writer speaks out against tyranny and injustice in a young and troubled nation. Toer here discusses personal and political topics he could never before address in public. Toer is best known for his novels comprising the Buru Quartet. The New York Times described his autobiography as a “haunting record of a great writer’s attempt to keep his imagination and his humanity alive under terrible conditions.” Toer is widely considered a strong candidate for the Nobel prize in Literature. Please click here to order the book. LIBERATION LIT
![]() Published by Badak Merah
Edited by: Tony Christini & Andre Vltchek Liberation Lit is a landmark collection of art and criticism of social change: contemporary liberatory fiction and criticism, poetry and visuals. Please click here to order the book. ON WESTERN TERRORISM:
![]() Published by Badak Merah
EXPOSING LIES OF THE EMPIRE is perhaps the most complete, and the most comprehensive account of the last several years, during which our planet has risen up and began its struggle against the Empire and its oppression. Vltchek takes us to all the continents, to slums and palaces, to the villages bombed into the ground, and to the front lines of the revolution. It alerts and provokes, clarifies and leads forward. It is a book of philosophy, a collection of exceptional investigative journalist reports, and a manifesto. It will inspire millions. It will be quoted for centuries to come. "In an age of formula media, Andre Vltchek's work is truly exceptional -- fiercely independent and bracing in its challenges to the echoes and lies of the great power." - John Pilger Please click here to order Paperback.
Please click here to order Ebook.
André Vltchek spent five years living and traveling throughout Oceania. During his journey he interviewed politicians, social-workers, journalists, teachers, doctors and the local inhabitants. He became friends with the great Pacific writer Epeli Hau’ofa who declared him an ‘honorary citizen of Oceania,’ and he intricately documented the appalling effects Western government policies, corporate strategies and military operations were having on the islands and the peoples of the Pacific.
Please click here to order. POINT OF NO RETURN
![]() Published by Mainstay Press
POINT OF NO RETURN shows the world through the eyes of a war correspondent, working in conflict zones avoided by the mainstream media, unveiling the dire state of today’s world, its disparities and brutal post-colonial arrangement – including the imperialist push for Western hegemony. “Point of No Return is one of the great novels of the 21st century. It deserves a wide readership and serious critical appraisal. Over a half century ago, in his important book "American Moderns - From Rebellion to Conformity," the great literary critic Maxwell Geismar noted that "Our best literary work has come from writers who are outside [the dominant] intellectual orbit, where [capitalist] panic has slowly subsided into inertia." Geismar anticipates Vltchek. Point of No Return explodes from that vital realm far beyond hegemonic control.” – Tony Christini “Point of No Return is riveting.” - Paulin Cesari (Le Figaro) “André Vltchek is a writer, the real thing, of the same calibre and breed as Hemingway and Malraux.” - Catherine Merveilleux “Andre Vltchek tells us about a world that few know, even when they think they do. That is because he tells the truth, vividly, with a keen sense of history, and with a perceptive eye that sees past surfaces to reality…” – Noam Chomsky Please click here to order. THE WORLD ORDER AND REVOLUTION!
On Western Terrorism - New Edition![]() Published by: Pluto Press
Noam Chomsky discusses Western power and propaganda with filmmaker and investigative journalist Andre Vltchek. This book is the perfect introduction to Chomsky’s political thinking, and makes a refreshing read for anyone who is uneasy about the West’s wider role in the world. Beginning with the New York newsstand where Chomsky started his political education as a teenager, the discussion broadens out to encompass colonialism and imperial control, propaganda and the media, the Arab Spring and drone warfare. The authors offer a powerful critique of the legacy of colonialism, touching upon many countries including Syria, Nicaragua, Cuba, China, Chile and Turkey. Contains a new foreword by Noam Chomsky. Please click here to order the book. The Story of Ann
![]() Story of Ann is a short work of fiction written by Andre Vltchek, illustrated by Marina Wiedemann. It is part of Education for All Literacy Promotion Series published by UNESCO. Ann is 35 years old woman, married with two young children living in a capital city in a East African country.
Confronted by the sudden death of her husband of AIDS and the need to make a living to care for her children, with much support from her friends and extended family, Ann embarks on a courageous journey to self discovery though literacy and further learning. |
South American Handbook 2010
![]() Footprint’s South American Handbook is a legend in travel guide publishing. The one-and-only “Travelers’ Bible” has had its annual overhaul, giving a comprehensive update of everything one ever needed to know about how to discover this fascinating continent. This new edition is unparalleled in its depth of coverage—taking independent travelers from the well-trodden “Gringo Trail” to the wilds of the Andes, up the Amazon River, and onto deserted beaches.
For more than a decade Andre is contributing to this brilliant intellectual travel guide. His entries came from Amazonia, Peru, Venezuela, Easter Island, Chilean and Agrentine Patagonia, as well as from Uruguay. Please click here to order the book. |