
Perito Moreno (photo above) is a stunning glacier in Argentinean Patagonia. To me, it is a symbol of determined resistance. Scientists say that it is ‘stabilized’, but in common language it is twisting and turning and refuses to give up, to diminish in size, to disappear. Other glaciers like Viedma and Upsala are breaking and melting, suffering from global warming and other environmental tragedies, but Perito Moreno is fighting for its survival with unsurpassed zeal and honor.
I have worked and traveled in some 130 countries. There are times when I lose hope: the grip on power from market fundamentalists and Western neo colonialists seems to be so absolute that no resistance appears possible, no alternatives allowed. Thoughts of the people all over the world are being controlled, manufactured by the dominant English language media and academia. History is being perverted to serve the victorious regime, which promotes itself as ‘free and democratic’. Entire nations are forced into debt, their political free will raped by coups that are planned abroad. Those nations who dare resist are bombed to the stone age, their governments overthrown. Or at the least they have to face devastating embargos and sanctions. The majority of the poor but ‘independent’ countries are ruled by outrageously corrupt and ruthless elites fostered by the neo-colonial system, serving foreign (mainly western) interests and their own deep pockets.
After covering dozens of wars, conflicts, famines, military coups, and futile rebellions, I often ask myself whether ‘another world’ is really possible, whether we – humanity – have not already reached the endgame: a state where only one ideology (that of profit and control) is allowed.
However, whenever I feel disheartened, I try to think about those millions of people who still refuse to accept intellectual slavery and submission to the ruling regime. And I think about Perito Moreno, a glacier in far away Patagonia, which is defending itself against an overwhelming and destructive force with tremendous grace and dignity.
This website is meant to summarize my work: from books to articles, from films to photographs taken all over the world. In my ‘Andre’s World’ blog, I invite readers to follow me to countless corners of the world.